Saturday 26 April 2014

Fit but Fat - First weigh-in of 2014 (ouch)

So, here's the damage.....

As you'll see from my 2012 posts this is a whopping 7.8kg (1st 3lb) higher than what I had previously achieved.  This confirms that the SLIM FIT SHIRTS DON"T LIE !

What's the plan?

Eating & Drinking
It's bad news for those of you with shares in New Zealand wine producers, Guinness, Warburtons, Lindt and the Derby Cafe. These are right out for the next couple of months. (Well, maybe a couple of cheat days). Focus is back on the low carb approach which worked so well in the past. This is difficult, but at least you can still get stuck in to a fried breakfast, or the inside of a steak pie.

On the alcohol front I'll be restricting myself to spirits in the main. This has the additional benefit of reducing my overall alcohol consumption because, let's be honest, G&Ts are fine, but they are nowhere near as tasty as a big cold glass of Oyster Bay.

On the face of it I'm doing not too badly in this area. I run a half marathon every month with Chris Marsh and I do fairly regular 5km Parkruns on a Saturday morning, sometimes while pushing my granddaughter Lily in a buggy! (PB 25:27 , PB with buggy 35:17).

However, I know I could be doing a lot more to vary my fitness regime and I'm going to re-introduce swimming, cycling (in the gym), and some weights back into my routine. This should have the triple bonus of contributing to the desired weight loss, toning the flab up a bit, and hopefully improving my running performances too. I'll let you know how it goes!

2 years ago I was amazed by the amount of practical advice I got from you all, based on your own experiences. I'll be going back through the archives to reuse some of that, but if you've come across anything new that might be worth exploring then please feel free to share it here.  For example, I know a few folk who have tried the 5/2 diet (if that's what it's properly called). Have you, and if so did it work for you?

Bye for now!