Thursday 12 January 2012

Day 3 - 12th January 2012

Woke up this morning after last night in the pub with no ill effects, and actually felt a bit more energetic than during Day 2.  Ended up in a pub again this evening, but it was a quiz night at The Globe, so that’s ok then.  (Neill and I came 2nd out of 24 teams, only just beaten by the regular winning team of 5 boffins! They won 130 quid but we got 65. Obviously we came out best on a winnings per team member basis!)
My mention of Body Mass Index in the Day 2 post got a lot of reaction both online and offline, and I am now a skeptic. Darren’s view of it gets a 12A certificate. Phil pointed out that rugby players who are fit as fiddles have BMIs which make them ‘morbidly obese’!  My nephew Chris told me that he is considered overweight via BMI, which, if you know him,  is ridiculous. Susan suggested that hip to waist ratio might be one of the ways to monitor progress.  On that last point, there was a discussion over breakfast at the hotel where Erle also suggested measuring your body stats to check progress, as you may lose fat without necessarily losing weight. This sounds very sensible as I am carrying a lot of extra weight on the torso at the moment and I would hope that it would start disappearing over the coming weeks and months. Time to buy a measuring tape!
Reckon that I’ll still weigh myself every week though, just to see if there is any change in that area. Will let you know.

Brekky – Four pieces of cooked ham, slices of red pepper and some tomatoes. Glass of water

Lunch A plate with the following piled on it from the canteen salad bar. Four slices of roast pork, four slices of roast chicken, herring, cheese, green peppers, celery, red cabbage and one egg. I also put cold butter beans on my plate but was informed by Neill and Erle that this was ‘starch city’, so I sadly had to leave them untouched.
Dinner – Bit of a rush after the gym as Neill and I had to get to the quiz at the Globe. Had scrambled eggs with smoke salmon and tomatoes, two rice cakes and some raw cauliflower.
Snacks – Two bananas, an orange, raw cauliflower and some slices of ham.
Drinks – Green tea, black tea, black tea with lemon and camomile tea.  Loads of water. A ‘few’ straight vodkas and ice during the quiz!  
A  question about chick peas and the derivative, humous.  I’ve been informed that, as they are protein and not starched based, that they are available for selection! Is this your view too? I’m hoping there’s a positive response to this because I love the stuff.
This was another quick visit to the gym due to the need to make it along to the Globe quiz (see opening paragraph, decision vindicated).

I went straight to the treadmill. Although it can be a wee bit boring I had my Infinite Monkey Cage BBC podcast to get me through it. As with yesterday I just kept to the fast walking because this seems to be exercising me enough for the moment.  This time though I upped the gradient to make it a wee bit harder.
I used the treadmill for 30 minutes. I walked just over 3km and burned 220 calories fast walking on a gradient of 5% for 20 minutes and 6% for 10 minutes. I noticed that I could control my breathing in a way that brought my heartbeat down and allowed me to up the gradient!
I then went on the weights for remaining 15 minutes. It was all upper body stuff as I want to be like Charles Atlas! (See Bazooka Joe bubble gum offers circa 1974).
Back tomorrow!


  1. Loving your blog Frank. I'm also learning a lot from you when it comes to foods!

  2. Good result at the quiz Frank!
    I love chickpeas too and have them in a salad for lunch a couple of days a week! I'll be eating them no matter what. Do you like soup? I've got some recipes for nutritious, filling soups that I make for lunch for work in the winter but realise that may not be practical when you are way from home mid week.

  3. @Janice So am I !

    @Susan As I'm in a dogmatic phase at the moment I shall do more research on chick peas. Will let you know (unless you don't want me to!). I'm a big soup fan, but don't have the full facilities to make it while away. This doesn't stop me having a try at home though, so please share any recipes you think are appropriate!

  4. Happy to learn about the chickpeas Frank.I think I have the soup recipes scanned so I'll check when I get to work Monday and email them. In terms of your dogmatic phase, are carbs still out? With your training, they are a good source of energy and if you choose low GI versions, they maintain your blood sugar level well, as opposed to white / processed carbs. Aother idea for breakfast is cooked field mushrooms with Roma tomatoes and you can add a fried egg, just use olive oil spray in the frying pan.

  5. @Susan Looking forward to the soup recipes. Thanks for taking the effort to do it. Carbs are still out although they're going to creep in anyway through some veg and fruit. That seems to be enough to keep me going at the gym,etc. GI carbs? Had to google that. Another thing I've learned! That's a great breakfast tip. Going to make it now with ordinary mushrooms!
